推进乡镇综合行政执法改革 大大提升了基层治理水平
1. 问题简介涡轮机叶片需要冷却以提高涡轮的性能和涡轮叶片的寿命。我们现在考虑一个如上图所示的叶片,叶片处在一个高温环境中,中间通有四个冷却孔。
内部区域: (扩散方程)
1:0.0,0.0 6:597.6,45.9 11:344.7,50.0
2:20.9,28.8 7:870.0,0.0 12:435.8,44.5
3:117.4,62.9 8:85.0,40.0 13:521.2,37.0
4:240.4,69.6 9:174.5,49.4 14:605.0,30.0
5:417.5,62.4 10:260.0,50.0 15:694.7,22.2
2.2 单位系统和物性长度单位:mm
温度单位: K
k=14.7*10^-3 W/mm. K
hext=205.8*10^-6 W/m2.K
hint=65.8*10^-6 W/m2.K
注意:在后面的矩阵组装中的h_wall = h / k
首先写geo文件注意要把外表面和中间空洞用Physical Line定义
lc = 10; Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, lc};Point(2) = {20.9,28.8,0, lc};Point(3) = {117.4,62.9,0, lc};Point(4) = {240.4,69.6,0, lc};Point(5) = {417.5,62.4,0, lc};Point(6) = {597.6,45.9,0, lc};Point(7) = {870.0,0.0, 0,lc};Point(8) = {85.0,40.0, 0,lc};Point(9) = {174.5,49.4,0, lc};Point(10) = {260.0,50.0,0, lc};Point(11) = {344.7,50.0,0, lc};Point(12) = {435.8,44.5,0, lc};Point(13) = {521.2,37.0,0, lc};Point(14) = {605.0,30.0,0, lc};Point(15) = {694.7,22.2,0, lc};//+Spline(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};//+Symmetry {0, 1, 0, 0} { Duplicata { Point{1}; Point{2}; Point{3}; Point{4}; Point{5}; Line{1}; Point{6}; Point{7}; Point{8}; Point{9}; Point{10}; Point{11}; Point{12}; Point{13}; Point{14}; Point{15}; }}//+Line Loop(1) = {1, -2};//+Line(3) = {8, 9};//+Line(4) = {9, 33};//+Line(5) = {33, 32};//+Line(6) = {32, 8};//+Line(7) = {10, 11};//+Line(8) = {11, 35};//+Line(9) = {35, 34};//+Line(10) = {34, 10};//+Line(11) = {12, 13};//+Line(12) = {13, 37};//+Line(13) = {37, 36};//+Line(14) = {36, 12};//+Line(15) = {14, 15};//+Line(16) = {15, 39};//+Line(17) = {39, 38};//+Line(18) = {38, 14};//+Line Loop(2) = {3, 4, 5, 6};//+Line Loop(3) = {7, 8, 9, 10};//+Line Loop(4) = {11, 12, 13, 14};//+Line Loop(5) = {15, 16, 17, 18};//+Physical Line(0)={1, -2};Physical Line(1)={3, 4, 5, 6};Physical Line(2)={7, 8, 9, 10};Physical Line(3)={11, 12, 13, 14};Physical Line(4)={15, 16, 17, 18};Plane Surface(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};Physical Surface(1) = {1};边界信息如何保存?
生成网格后导出为“blademesh.m”用以后续使用,注意不要勾选Save all elements,否则会没有边界信息。
3. 矩阵组装3.1 控制方程3.2 系统矩阵其中的Ω代表全域,我们将全域分解为一个个单元,这就是有限元的思想。
4. 代码实现(matlab)步骤 | 工具或函数 |
定义求解域并生成网格 | gmsh导出网格为blademesh.m |
读入网格信息,数据转换 | bladeread |
矩阵和矢量组装,线性方程组求解 | bleadheat |
查看结果 | bladeplot |
% Clear variablesclear all;% Set gas temperature and wall heat transfer coefficients at% boundaries of the blade. Note: Tcool(i) and hwall(i) are the% values of Tcool and hwall for the ith boundary which are numbered% as follows: %% 1 = external boundary (airfoil surface)% 2 = 1st internal cooling passage (from leading edge)% 3 = 2nd internal cooling passage (from leading edge)% 3 = 3rd internal cooling passage (from leading edge)% 3 = 4th internal cooling passage (from leading edge)% Tcool = [1300, 200, 200, 200, 200];% hwall = [14, 4.7, 4.7, 4.7, 4.7];Tcool = [1573, 473, 473, 473, 473];h = [205.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6, 65.8*10^-6];k = 14.7*10^-3;hwall = h / k;% Load in the grid file% NOTE: after loading a gridfile using the load(fname) command,% three important grid variables and data arrays exist. These are:%% Nt: Number of triangles (i.e. elements) in mesh%% Nv: Number of nodes (i.e. vertices) in mesh%% Nbc: Number of edges which lie on a boundary of the computational% domain.% % tri2nod(3,Nt): list of the 3 node numbers which form the current% triangle. Thus, tri2nod(1,i) is the 1st node of% the i"th triangle, tri2nod(2,i) is the 2nd node% of the i"th triangle, etc.%% xy(2,Nv): list of the x and y locations of each node. Thus,% xy(1,i) is the x-location of the i"th node, xy(2,i)% is the y-location of the i"th node, etc.%% bedge(3,Nbc): For each boundary edge, bedge(1,i) and bedge(2,i) % are the node numbers for the nodes at the end% points of the i"th boundary edge. bedge(3,i) is an% integer which identifies which boundary the edge is% on. In this solver, the third value has the% following meaning:%% bedge(3,i) = 0: edge is on the airfoil% bedge(3,i) = 1: edge is on the first cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 2: edge is on the second cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 3: edge is on the third cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 4: edge is on the fourth cooling passage% bladeread;% Start timerTime0 = cputime;% Zero stiffness matrixK = zeros(Nv, Nv);b = zeros(Nv, 1);% Zero maximum element sizehmax = 0;% Loop over elements and calculate residual and stiffness matrixfor ii = 1:Nt, kn(1) = tri2nod(1,ii); kn(2) = tri2nod(2,ii); kn(3) = tri2nod(3,ii); xe(1) = xy(1,kn(1)); xe(2) = xy(1,kn(2)); xe(3) = xy(1,kn(3)); ye(1) = xy(2,kn(1)); ye(2) = xy(2,kn(2)); ye(3) = xy(2,kn(3)); % Calculate circumcircle radius for the element % First, find the center of the circle by intersecting the median % segments from two of the triangle edges. dx21 = xe(2) - xe(1); dy21 = ye(2) - ye(1); dx31 = xe(3) - xe(1); dy31 = ye(3) - ye(1); x21 = 0.5*(xe(2) + xe(1)); y21 = 0.5*(ye(2) + ye(1)); x31 = 0.5*(xe(3) + xe(1)); y31 = 0.5*(ye(3) + ye(1)); b21 = x21*dx21 + y21*dy21; b31 = x31*dx31 + y31*dy31; xydet = dx21*dy31 - dy21*dx31; x0 = (dy31*b21 - dy21*b31)/xydet; y0 = (dx21*b31 - dx31*b21)/xydet; Rlocal = sqrt((xe(1)-x0)^2 + (ye(1)-y0)^2); if (hmax < Rlocal), hmax = Rlocal; end % Calculate all of the necessary shape function derivatives, the % Jacobian of the element, etc. % Derivatives of node 1"s interpolant dNdxi(1,1) = -1.0; % with respect to xi1 dNdxi(1,2) = -1.0; % with respect to xi2 % Derivatives of node 2"s interpolant dNdxi(2,1) = 1.0; % with respect to xi1 dNdxi(2,2) = 0.0; % with respect to xi2 % Derivatives of node 3"s interpolant dNdxi(3,1) = 0.0; % with respect to xi1 dNdxi(3,2) = 1.0; % with respect to xi2 % Sum these to find dxdxi (note: these are constant within an element) dxdxi = zeros(2,2); for nn = 1:3, dxdxi(1,:) = dxdxi(1,:) + xe(nn)*dNdxi(nn,:); dxdxi(2,:) = dxdxi(2,:) + ye(nn)*dNdxi(nn,:); end % Calculate determinant for area weighting J = dxdxi(1,1)*dxdxi(2,2) - dxdxi(1,2)*dxdxi(2,1); A = 0.5*abs(J); % Area is half of the Jacobian % Invert dxdxi to find dxidx using inversion rule for a 2x2 matrix dxidx = [ dxdxi(2,2)/J, -dxdxi(1,2)/J; ... -dxdxi(2,1)/J, dxdxi(1,1)/J]; % Calculate dNdx dNdx = dNdxi*dxidx; % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 1 weighted residual K(kn(1), kn(1)) = K(kn(1), kn(1)) + (dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A; K(kn(1), kn(2)) = K(kn(1), kn(2)) + (dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A; K(kn(1), kn(3)) = K(kn(1), kn(3)) + (dNdx(1,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(1,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A; % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 2 weighted residual K(kn(2), kn(1)) = K(kn(2), kn(1)) + (dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A; K(kn(2), kn(2)) = K(kn(2), kn(2)) + (dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A; K(kn(2), kn(3)) = K(kn(2), kn(3)) + (dNdx(2,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(2,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A; % Add contributions to stiffness matrix for node 3 weighted residual K(kn(3), kn(1)) = K(kn(3), kn(1)) + (dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(1,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(1,2))*A; K(kn(3), kn(2)) = K(kn(3), kn(2)) + (dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(2,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(2,2))*A; K(kn(3), kn(3)) = K(kn(3), kn(3)) + (dNdx(3,1)*dNdx(3,1) + dNdx(3,2)*dNdx(3,2))*A; end% Loop over boundary edges and account for bc"s% Note: the bc"s are all convective heat transfer coefficient bc"s% so the are of "Robin" form. This requires modification of the% stiffness matrix as well as impacting the right-hand side, b.%for ii = 1:Nbc, % Get node numbers on edge kn(1) = bedge(1,ii); kn(2) = bedge(2,ii); % Get node coordinates xe(1) = xy(1,kn(1)); xe(2) = xy(1,kn(2)); ye(1) = xy(2,kn(1)); ye(2) = xy(2,kn(2)); % Calculate edge length ds = sqrt((xe(1)-xe(2))^2 + (ye(1)-ye(2))^2); % Determine the boundary number bnum = bedge(3,ii) + 1; % Based on boundary number, set heat transfer bc K(kn(1), kn(1)) = K(kn(1), kn(1)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/3); K(kn(1), kn(2)) = K(kn(1), kn(2)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/6); b(kn(1)) = b(kn(1)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*0.5*Tcool(bnum); K(kn(2), kn(1)) = K(kn(2), kn(1)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/6); K(kn(2), kn(2)) = K(kn(2), kn(2)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*(1/3); b(kn(2)) = b(kn(2)) + hwall(bnum)*ds*0.5*Tcool(bnum); end% Solve for temperatureTsol = K\b;% Finish timerTime1 = cputime;% Plot solutionbladeplot;% Report outputsTmax = max(Tsol);Tmin = min(Tsol);fprintf("Number of nodes = %i\n",Nv);fprintf("Number of elements = %i\n",Nt);fprintf("Maximum element size = %5.3f\n",hmax);fprintf("Minimum temperature = %6.1f\n",Tmin);fprintf("Maximum temperature = %6.1f\n",Tmax);fprintf("CPU Time (secs) = %f\n",Time1 - Time0);
% Read three important grid variables and data arrays% Nt: Number of triangles (i.e. elements) in mesh% Nv: Number of nodes (i.e. vertices) in mesh% Nbc: Number of edges which lie on a boundary of the computational% domain.% tri2nod(3,Nt): list of the 3 node numbers which form the current% triangle. Thus, tri2nod(1,i) is the 1st node of% the i"th triangle, tri2nod(2,i) is the 2nd node% of the i"th triangle, etc.% xy(2,Nv): list of the x and y locations of each node. Thus,% xy(1,i) is the x-location of the i"th node, xy(2,i)% is the y-location of the i"th node, etc.% bedge(3,Nbc): For each boundary edge, bedge(1,i) and bedge(2,i) % are the node numbers for the nodes at the end% points of the i"th boundary edge. bedge(3,i) is an% integer which identifies which boundary the edge is% on. In this solver, the third value has the% following meaning:%% bedge(3,i) = 0: edge is on the airfoil% bedge(3,i) = 1: edge is on the first cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 2: edge is on the second cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 3: edge is on the third cooling passage% bedge(3,i) = 4: edge is on the fourth cooling passage% clcrun("blademesh.m");Nv=msh.nbNod;Nt=size(msh.TRIANGLES,1);Nbc=size(msh.LINES,1);for i=1:Nt tri2nod(1,i)=msh.TRIANGLES(i,1); tri2nod(2,i)=msh.TRIANGLES(i,2); tri2nod(3,i)=msh.TRIANGLES(i,3);endfor i=1:Nv xy(1,i)=msh.POS(i,1); xy(2,i)=msh.POS(i,2);endfor i=1:Nbc bedge(1,i)=msh.LINES(i,1); bedge(2,i)=msh.LINES(i,2); bedge(3,i)=msh.LINES(i,3);end
% Plot T in trianglesfigure;for ii = 1:Nt, for nn = 1:3, xtri(nn,ii) = xy(1,tri2nod(nn,ii)); ytri(nn,ii) = xy(2,tri2nod(nn,ii)); Ttri(nn,ii) = Tsol(tri2nod(nn,ii)); endendHT = patch(xtri,ytri,Ttri);axis("equal");set(HT,"LineStyle","none");title("Temperature (K)");% caxis([298,1573]);colormap(jet);HC = colorbar;hold on; bladeplotgrid; hold off;5. 计算结果
2022年6月15日,由中国建筑材料流通协会编制并发布的全国建材家居景气指数(简称BHI)显示,5月BHI为123 07,环比上涨8 13点,同比下跌6 96点
图①:山西临汾经济技术开发区兴荣供应链有限公司的货车整装待发。资料图片 图②:司机王勇平驾驶货车行驶在
正在进行围封或强制检测的葵涌邨居民在登记(资料照片)。新华社发新华社香港2月6日电 题:凝聚香港社会共克时艰
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